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Homework Contract

The HOMEWORK CONTRACT is a way to prepare your child for further education. Focusing on research skills, organisational skills, , the ability to formulate informed opinions and support these opinions through reading and research. Having the range of year levels in the room I have made allowances with my expectations. All sections are to be done by ALL STUDENTS. CONTRACTS are used as an assessment tool. The contract is to be carried out over a two week period, and handed in prior or on the due by date. The week following will have no contract. I call these contracts the FIFO contracts.



Behind the News

Behind the News is a Current Affairs programmed aimed at Upper Primary/ Lower Secondary students. Students view the programme and then write RECOUNTS on the programme. The students are to do two recounts per week for first term. From Term 2, Year 6 students will produce 3 recounts, then in Semester Two Year 5 students will be doing three recounts too.

Students are to answer the following points :

1.    Who/What is involved in the story? (Individual? Group? Country?)

2.    Where is the story taking place? (Location?)

3.    When did the story occur? (Is it current? Reflecting on historical events?)

4.    What is happening in the story?

5.    How did the events to the story occur?

6.    Offer your opinion on the story (2 or 3 sentences).

To start the year off the all students will be writing recounts then, as the year progresses, the activities may change and take the form of a poster, interview, table of pros and cons or role play.

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